What is Identity Management and Access Control?

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Thin Client Document Scanning - User and Workflow Management

Identity management and access control are important concepts in the field of information security and are used to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information systems and their data.

Identity management refers to the processes and technologies used to manage the identities of individuals (users, customers, employees, etc.) who interact with an organization’s information systems. This includes creating, modifying, and deleting user accounts, managing passwords and other authentication methods, and maintaining an up-to-date and accurate repository of user information.

Access control refers to the policies and technologies used to restrict access to information systems and their data to authorized individuals. This includes determining who is allowed to access which resources, and under what conditions, as well as enforcing these policies and monitoring access to the systems. Access control can be based on factors such as a user’s role, location, time of day, and the type of device they are using.

Together, identity management and access control form the foundation of a strong security program, helping organizations to protect their information and resources from unauthorized access, theft, and damage. By effectively managing identities and controlling access to systems and data, organizations can minimize their risk of security incidents and ensure that their information assets are protected.

Thin Client Document Scanning applications use only a web-browser so users can easily get work done without any software installation

What is User and Workflow Management?
User and Workflow Management for Thin Client document scanners
User and Workflow Management for mobile applications